
In this article about healing I am going to be talking about one element of the range of infuences that have a direct or indirect affect on your health. Thinking. Thought has real consequences in the “real” world. If your thinking is correct then the choices you make and the relationships you enter into and the actions that proceed from that thought will work out.

This brings me to the first important measurement of the quality of our thinking – How are you doing? Are you in the place you want to be with the people you want to be with and are you joyful and happy?

If the answer to that is no then your thinking has led you to the wrong place.

I know it is so enticing to blame all our problems on the world, the government, our families etc…. This list goes on. But if you want to be happy now then the blame game has to end. There is only one person who is responsible for your happiness and that is you.

So what is the solution. Simple but not easy. Start by taking 10 minutes a day of not thinking. Where your mind can just stop with its never ending looping and its ceaseless chatter.

In this exercise you are beginning to take control of your thoughts which is everything.

Keep observing your health, your relationships, your personal circumstances and if they are not what you want them to be then you know that your thinking is wrong.

If you want an example of someone who survived the concentration camps using the power of thought look no further than Viktor Frankl.

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